365C L Hydraulic Excavator specifications
Operating Weight* and Ground Pressure
Configuration 900 mm (36") Shoes 750 mm (30") Shoes 650 mm (26") Shoes
Operating Weight Ground Pressure Operating Weight Ground Pressure Operating Weight Ground Pressure
kg lb kPa psi kg lb kPa psi kg lb kPa psi
7.8 m (25'7") reach boom
1690 mm (66") HD bucket
R4.67 m (15'4") stick 69 250 152,680 73.9 10.71 68 200 150,370 87.3 12.66 67 520 148,870 99.7 14.46
R4.15 m (13'7") stick 69 090 152,330 73.7 10.69 68 040 150,020 87.1 12.63 67 360 148,520 99.5 14.43
R3.60 m (11'10") stick 68 880 151,850 73.5 10.66 67 830 149,540 86.8 12.59 67 150 148,040 99.2 14.38
R2.84 m (9'4") stick 68 670 151,400 73.2 10.62 67 620 149,090 86.5 12.55 66 940 147,590 98.9 14.34
6.59 m (21'7") mass boom
2200 mm (87") X bucket
M3.00 m (9'10") stick 70 870 156,240 75.6 10.96 69 820 153,930 89.4 12.96 69 140 152,430 102.1 14.81
M2.57 m (8'5") stick 70 920 156,360 75.6 10.97 69 870 154,050 89.4 12.97 69 190 152,550 102.2 14.82
* Operating weight includes full fuel tank and 75 kg (165 lb) operator
Major Component Weights
kg lb
Base machine with counterweight and 900 mm (36") shoes (without front linkage) 54 890 121,000
Two boom cylinders 1335 2900
Removal type 9300 20,500
Non-removal type 10 050 22,200
Boom (includes lines, pins and stick cylinder)
Reach boom 7.8 m (25'7") 6400 14,100
Mass boom 6.59 m (21'7") 6420 14,200
Stick (includes lines, pins, bucket cylinder and linkage)
R4.67VB (15'4") 3980 8800
R4.15VB (13'7") 3800 8400
R3.6VB (11'10") 3580 7900
R2.84VB (9'4") 3370 7400
M3.0WB (9'10") 4230 9300
M2.57WB (8'5") 4050 8900
Track roller frame [includes frame, rollers, idlers, steps, guards,
final drive, 900 mm (36") shoes] – each 10 810 23,800