Delivering the most work per liter/gallon of fuel consumed
The Cat
C4.2 engine with ACERT
Technology optimizes performance and meets U.S. EPA Tier 3 and EU
Stage IIIA regulations. In conjunction with integrated electronics, ACERT Technology reduces emissions
during the combustion process by using advanced technology in the air and fuel systems. The Cat C4.2 engine
delivers exceptional power, allowing more hydraulic pressure to drive productivity and reduce your cost per
ton of material moved.
Automatic Engine Control and Fuel Delivery
A two-stage control and one-touch low idle button maximize fuel effi ciency and reduce sound levels.
Fuel delivery is managed by the ADEM™ A4 Engine Controller for the best performance per liter (gallon)
of fuel used. Flexible fuel mapping allows the engine to respond quickly to varying application needs.
Crankshaft and Pistons
A forged, one-piece, induction hardened crankshaft enhances balance, decreases vibration and improves
abrasion resistance. Heat resistant, aluminum alloy pistons have a short compression height for greater
effi ciency and longer life.
Economy Mode
Accessible through the in-cab monitor, economy mode allows you to balance the demands of performance
and fuel economy while maintaining the breakout forces and lift capacity enjoyed at standard power.