Powerful digging with precise control.
Smooth responsive hydraulics give the level of control demanded by the
customer in any application, from fi ne grading and dozing to backfi lling.
Powerful bucket and stick digging forces combined with fast cycle times result
in world class productivity and performance. Automatic two speed function
improves jobsite maneuverability with precise control by balancing travel
speed with the torque needed for turning and traveling on inclines. Dozer blade
fl oat function enables easy ground levelling for landscaping and fi nish grade
applications as well as more effi cient jobsite clean-up. Economy mode can be
selected with the in-cab LCD monitor and provides better fuel effi ciency in a
platform well suited for less experienced operators.
Joystick mounted auxiliary and boom swing control enhances machine
controllability. Intuitive controls give fi ne modulation. The levers and dozer
function ensure “as new” levels of controllability are maintained throughout
the machine life.
Lift Capacity
The new Caterpillar D-Series has industry leading lift capacity matched with
outstanding stability in a compact radius package. This provides the on-site
versatility required to match the diverse and continually changing needs
of the customer.
Stick and Boom
A choice of standard or long, thumb ready sticks enable the customer to match
the machine’s digging envelope to their requirements. The boom options feature
a fi xed boom to maximize stability and lifting and a swing boom design that
maximizes reach. The swing boom also allows the operator to trench parallel
to tracks, dig close to structures and dig a box-section without repositioning
the undercarriage.
Clean, quiet and effi cient.
• Interim Tier 4 turbocharged engine
gives higher power and maintains strong
performance at high altitude.
• High digging forces give power through
even the most compacted ground with
smooth control and responsive hydraulics
that deliver productivity that our customers
• Load sensing hydraulics optimize the fl ow
of oil for smooth powerful performance
and increased fuel economy.
• Automatic engine idle lowers engine
revolutions when not in use to conserve fuel
and lower environmental noise/emissions.