IInnkk CCaarrttrriiddggeess aanndd PPrriinnttaabbllee MMeeddiiaa 99
5. Insert the replacement or alternate ink cartridge into the
cartridge carrier, copper-end first.
6. Push the cartridge back until it snaps into place.
7. Close the printer’s front cover.
8. Go back to the printer driver setup window and click on
either the New Color, New Black or Photo, or Used
Cartridge button to indicate whether you installed a fresh,
new cartridge or simply switched between a previously
used cartridge.
The cartridge carrier will return to its home position.
See Section 3 for more information on these buttons.
NOTE: When you choose New Cartridge, the ink levels are cleared
and the ink level counter will go back to full capacity (for either
color or monochrome). The ink levels reflected in the printer
driver are an estimate of the ink level in the cartridge. The
levels are not actually read from the cartridges themselves, but
are based on an estimated number of ink droplets used in
printing deducted from a know amount of droplets in a new
CMY Color
Photo (or Black)