Part No. SW0890 Rev. C 03/11
©2011 LOUD Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
What? Me read a manual?
Before you begin, please make sure you read the
Safety Instructions on page 2 and Getting Started
on page 4.
Your new Mackie TH-12A powered loudspeakers
are designed to set up quickly and operate easily.
We know it’s often seen as a sign of weakness to
read a manual, along with asking for directions
when lost, but we hope you will read the rest of the
manual, at least while nobody is looking.
It is important to keep your receipt in a
safe place, and not a bad idea to write your
product information below for future reference
(i.e., insurance claims, tech support, return
authorization, etc.).
Don’t forget to visit our website at www.mackie.com
for more information about this and other Mackie products.
Loudspeaker 1 Loudspeaker 2
Please write the serial number for your TH-12A here
(or for both TH-12As if you have two) for future reference:
Purchased at:___________________________________ Date of Purchase:_____________
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........................................... 2
INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 5
HOOKUP DIAGRAMS............................................... 5
FEATURES .............................................................. 8
REAR PANEL DESCRIPTION ................................ 8
1. INPUT ........................................................ 8
2. THRU ........................................................ 8
3. LEVEL ........................................................ 8
4. OL INDICATOR ............................................ 9
5. HIGH EQ .................................................... 9
6. MID EQ ...................................................... 9
7. MID FREQ .................................................. 9
8. LOW EQ ..................................................... 9
9. EQ ON/OFF SWITCH .................................. 9
10. POWER SWITCH ......................................... 9
11. LINE CORD SOCKET AND FUSE ..................... 9
PROTECTION CIRCUITS .......................................... 10
INPUT SIGNAL WIRING ......................................... 10
PLACEMENT .......................................................... 10
APPENDIX A: SERVICE INFORMATION .................... 11
APPENDIX B: CONNECTIONS ................................. 12
APPENDIX C: SPECIFICATIONS ............................... 13
DIMENSIONS ........................................................ 14
FREQUENCY GRAPH .............................................. 14
BLOCK DIAGRAM .................................................. 15
MACKIE LIMITED WARRANTY ................................ 16