800-947-1181 | 212-444-6681 Quick Dial: 91
Computer Audio Software
Peak Pro 6 is the professional standard for
stereo recording, editing, processing, and
mastering on Mac OS X. Edit audio for a wide
range of applications including sound design
for lm, video, or multimedia, for rapid-re
broadcast editing and music production,
mastering and CD production. Lightning fast
editing and processing, the ability to record
directly into the program or import CD tracks, unlimited undo/redo, extensive tools for adding and
editing markers, loops, and regions, automatic selection across zero crossings, and support for Audio
Units and VST plug-ins. Advanced QuickTime movie and DV clip support with better-than-frame
accurate synchronization of audio and movie playback, new cross-fade modes, and volume envelopes
that can be used across entire regions. "Cache in RAM" delivers ultra-fast RAM based editing.
#BIPP6 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Call or Log-on
soNY media soFTWaRe
ACID Pro 7 is both a loop-based and linear music creation
tool that allows for the production of original, royalty-free
music. Songs can be created, tracks re-mixed, music
beds developed, videos scored, and music for Web sites
and Flash animations developed. A fully functional mixer
environment llows the software to be used as a main
Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) application in any studio
Features top quality automatic loop time-stretching and tempo-matching technology and is intuitive
and easy to use with its straightforward pick, paint, and play functionality. Source material can be
pre-recorded loops in multiple genres, recorded hits or segments, complete songs, even MP3s.
Multi-track recording and full MIDI sequencing with unlimited tracks and the dedicated mixing
#SOSAC7000 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������$244.95
Pro Tools M-Powered 8
Pro Tools M-Powered has the same user
interface as Pro Tools|HD and Pro Tools LE,
while expanding your creative hardware options
to dozens of M-Audio interfaces. Session
compatibility with all current versions of Pro
Tools software means that you can easily move
your projects between pro, project and mobile
personal studios. Ships with 8GB of professional
quality loops for quickly sketching out musical
ideas. The included Structure Free sample player
comes with an almost 1GB sample library, while
also being able to import unencrypted third-party
sound libraries.
• 48 stereo audio tracks
• Dedicated MIDI Editor window
• 5 new A.I.R. virtual instruments and 30
more plug-in effects • Powerful new Score
Editor window • Redesigned user interface
• Elastic Pitch real-time pitch transposition
• Incredible new track compositing workow
#MAPTMP8B ��������������������������Call or Log-on
Finale 2008 is the industry-standard music
notation and publishing software for both
Windows and Mac platforms. Used by
educators, students, and composers worldwide,
the powerful yet intuitive 2008 version features
revolutionary tools for creating, evaluating
and shaping ideas into the most basic songs
or complex arrangements and compositions.
Improvements include time-saving editing and
navigation enhancements, high-end editing and
spacing improvements.
• Finale Performance Assessment – innovative
educational tool
• Human Playback plays your musical
expressions exactly as you want
• New Studio View gives users “mixer-like”
control • Import digital video with automatic
synchronization to music
• Windows XP and Intel/Mac support
Logic Studio is a complete production solution
for professional desktop audio production. The
bundle includes Logic Pro 8, the renowned
audio and sequencing program, the large Studio
Instruments plug-in collection, the Studio
Effects collection of compressors, amp models,
and multi-effects, the MainStage live plug-in
performance interface, the Soundtrack Pro 2
audio post-production tool, and the Studio Sound
Library, a huge collection of loops, sampled
instruments, and channel-strip settings.
• Studio Instruments collection with 40
instrument plug-ins • MainStage 3-D
interface for live virtual instrument and
plug-in performance • Studio Effects
collection of 80 effects and modeling plug-ins
• Soundtrack Pro 2 for seamless audio
post-production for picture • Studio Sound
Library with 18,000 loops, 1300 sampled
instruments, 2400 channel-strip settings
#APLS9 ���������������������������������������������� $413.50
Wavelab 6 sets a new standard for integrated
audio editing, effects processing and mastering
on Windows XP and 2000. DVD Audio
authoring and CD/DVD burning/archiving are
both fully supported, including high-resolution
stereo and surround formats. Not just a top-
level mastering tool, Wavelab 6 offers powerful
features for multimedia, broadcast, and multi-
channel surround applications.
• All-in-One solution for high-resolution stereo
and multi-channel editing and mastering
• Innovative “Audio Montage” user interface
with unlimited UNDO/REDO • New “Smart”
video thumbnail for editing audio for video
• Support for DVD Real-time text and static
text, still images, slide shows and graphic
menus • Complete Red-Book CD mastering
toolkit including signal processing, track
sheets and CD cover layout tools
• Audio le support up to 24-bit /192kHz
#STWL6 ����������������������������������Call or Log-on
Reason 4 is an innitely expandable standalone
music workstation application with a simple yet
powerful interface. It features a wide variety of
synthesizers, samplers, drum machines, and
effects that perform just like their hardware
counterparts, and includes both pattern-based
and piano scroll style sequencers. Version 3.0
features the new “Combinator”, allowing you
to build elaborate chains of instruments, and
sequencers that are saved as Combi patches.
Native Pe
rformance, no special hardware
needed • Virtual rear panel hardware
patching for innite routing possibilities
• Sound
Bank 3.0 –
of synth
Combinator patches
• Full Automation and Recall of all parameters
• Includes MClass mastering suite effects and
Orkestra sample library
• Mac and Windows compatible
#PRR4 ������������������������������������������������$369.00
Home Studio 7 XL is a complete audio and MIDI
production software package for Windows.
With 64 audio tracks and unlimited MIDI tracks,
virtual instruments (drums, bass, guitar, keys,
orchestral sounds), VST and DX plug-in support,
and ReWire capability, you have everything you
need to create compelling music. The XL edition
includes professional signal processing, sounds
and instruments like the Dimension LE synth
and Session Drummer 2.
• Edit and print music notation
• Video window for soundtrack scoring
• Freeze instruments and effects to save CPU
power • Includes reverb, delay, dynamics,
ampsimulation, and more
• Includes Cakewalk Publisher to customize a
song player for MySpace
• Master with the Boost 11 limiter and burn
your mix directly to CD • Windows XP/Vista/
Vista x64 (Mac with Boot Camp)
#CASHS7XL ���������������������������� Call or Log-on
410-441 Pro Audio.indd 437 9/29/09 8:46 PM