The iBeam fits x-braced guitars with at least three inches of flat open space
directly under the saddle (see figure 1).
For new installations, the preamp will generally fit in guitars with a side width of
four inches or larger, assuming average lining and top thickness.
Again, verify that these requirements are met before making any
alterations to the guitar.
If the space is too small to accommodate the iBeam, do not cut the iBeam to
fit a tighter space.
The preamp requires a 9V battery, which is not included in this package.
There is a small slit under the iBeam cap about 1/2" from each end of the
pickup. Do not poke anything into the slit.
The peel-and-stick adhesive is the best way to adhere the iBeam. It will hold the
iBeam quite firmly, but will allow the pickup to be safely removed at a later time.
The use of any adhesive other than the provided self-stick pads is not
recommended and will void the warranty.
Avoid unnecessary bending of the Element pickup.
Installation overview: The recommended installation procedure is to begin by
removing the previous system and/or performing any necessary woodwork.
Then the strapjack and preamp should be installed and connected. Following
that, the iBeam should be installed, connected and tested to ensure optimum
placement. Then the Element should be installed, connected and tested to
ensure proper sound and string balance. Finally, the gain setting on the
underside of the preamp should be adjusted so that the iBeam's level matches
that of the Element.
Each pickup should be installed and tested as if it were the only source in the
system. Perfecting the sound of each pickup individually will provide the most
rewarding overall blend when you finally turn the mix knob to 12:00 and hear
the two sources together.
3 . R E M O V A L O F P R E V I O U S S Y S T E M
(retrofit installations only)
Remove the entire preamp, output harness and pickup. You will also need to
remove the old strapjack.
Most guitar manufacturers include cross-grain reinforcement panels on solid
wood guitars beneath the preamp mounting screw holes. If, upon removing the
old preamp from a solid wood guitar, you discover that there are no
reinforcement strips, we recommend installing cross-grain reinforcement shims
underneath the screw holes to prevent chipping the wood on the guitar.
Once the previous system is removed, proceed to the strapjack installation
(section 5).
4 . N E W I N S T A L L A T I O N W O O D W O R K I N G
4.1 Routing the preamp hole: Be absolutely sure that the preamp will fit inside
the guitar at its intended location before making any cuts to the instrument!
Guitars with a side width of less than four inches may be unable to
accommodate the preamp due to the size of the interior lining.
For solid wood guitars (especially maple), we recommend gluing two 2.5” (63.5
mm) x .5” (12.7 mm) plywood cross-grain reinforcement panels on the inside of
the guitar body where the screw holes will be drilled. This prevents the wood
from splitting during the drilling process.
If you are uncomfortable freehand-cutting this area using the enclosed paper
template (as described below), we recommend that you use the paper template
to fashion a hard template out of masonite, Plexiglas or another suitable
1. Choose a location on the side of the instrument to mount the preamp. The
flattest possible area just above the waist on the upper bout and below the
shoulder is recommended. Double-check to make sure the preamp will clear all
internal braces and other obstacles when installed.
2. Lay the enclosed paper template on the chosen location and secure it with
masking tape on all four edges. With a sharp scribe put a dimple in the center of
fig. 1