fig. 5:
steps 9, 10 & 11
fig. 6: steps 12, 13 & 14
hot wire
X-Bridge braided wire
switch plunger
volume level
trim pot
phase switch
yellow wire tie
from output jack
wire wire tie
from output jack
wire tiecoax wire sleeve insulator
fig. 7
board so it will not be in the way of the little trim pot and switch that are
on the board; you will be adjusting these soon.
15. To install the battery clip in the cavity, first make sure the surface of the
cavity is clean of oil, dust or solder flux. Then place the battery in the clip,
remove the backing from the adhesive pad and press them down into the
cavity with the battery connectors facing away from the bridge, as shown
in figure 8. Attach the battery snap; the wires coming off the battery should
exit upward.
16. Fold the wire harnesses into the cavity as you close the pickguard
assembly like the cover of a book. You may need to open it and close it a
few times to tuck the wires into their places.
17. At this time, screw the pickguard down with only a couple of the
screws, leaving all of the screws surrounding the control cavity off. There is
a phase switch and a level control on the circuit board that you need to
access by lifting up the lower corner of the pickguard before the job is complete. If this is a new X-Bridge installation, go back to the X-Bridge
installation instructions and finish setting up your bridge, then come back to this manual for the final adjustment of the Ctrl-X.
4 . F I N A L A D J U S T M E N T S
Lift up the pickguard until you can see the Ctrl-X circuit board, as shown in figure 9. In the upper left corner of the board there is a small trim pot.
Make sure the white arrow is set to about the 2:00 position (a small Phillips screwdriver works well). Set the push-button switch to the "in" position
(mono mode), and the toggle switch to the middle (mix) position. Plug into an amp using a regular guitar cord. Turn the volume pot and lower tone
pot to 10 and play. Turn the mix pot (middle pot) from 1 to 10 while playing. You should hear the magnetic pickups when the mix is on 1, and the X-
Bridge when it is on 10, If you hear a drop in volume in the middle of the mix pot's range, the X-Bridge and magnetic pickups are out of phase. Lift
the pickguard and flip the little phase switch. You may wish to flip this switch a couple of times to make sure you have it in the best position. Finally,
adjust the X-Bridge volume with the trim pot on the circuit board. With this adjustment you can make the overall output level of the X-Bridge either
quieter, louder, or the same as the magnetic pickups. Set it to your liking, replace the rest of the pickguard screws, and you're done!
(see following page for more figures and user's guide)