Appendix A. IBM Lotus Software Offer
As a qualifying desktop or notepad computer customer, you are receiving a
single, limited license for the Lotus Notes
″standalone″ client and a single
license for the Lotus
software. These licenses entitle you to install
and use this software on your new personal computer using one of the
following options:
v Media for this software is not included in this offer. If you do not already
have the appropriate Lotus Notes Client or Lotus SmartSuite software
media, you can order a CD and install the software onto your computer. For
more information, see “To order a CD” on page 28.
v If you already have a licensed copy of the software, you are entitled to
make and use one additional copy of the software you have.
About IBM Lotus Notes
With your standalone, limited use Notes
client, you can integrate your most
valuable messaging, collaborative and personal information management (PIM)
resources -like e-mail, calendar, to-do list - allowing you to access them while
connected to or disconnected from your network. The standalone license does
not include the right to access any IBM Lotus Domino
servers; however this
stand-alone license may be upgraded to a full Notes license at a reduced price.
For more information visit http://www.lotus.com/notes.
About IBM Lotus SmartSuite
Lotus SmartSuite contains powerful applications with timesaving features that
give you a head start on your work and guide you through individual tasks.
v Lotus Word Pro
– Word Processor
v Lotus 1-2-3
– Spreadsheet
v Lotus Freelance Graphics
– Presentation Graphics
v Lotus Approach
– Database
v Lotus Organizer
– Time, Contact, and Information Manager
v Lotus FastSite
– Web Publisher
v Lotus SmartCenter – Internet Information Manager
Customer Support
For support information and phone numbers to help with initial installation of
software, visit http://www.lenovo.com/think/support. To purchase technical
support beyond this initial installation support, visit
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