Guide to the Manual
Unless specifically stated otherwise, information in this manual applies to printer models FS-1750/
FS-3750. The printer illustrations and printed samples used in this manual are of the FS-3750.
User's Manual (This booklet)
The User's Manual is this booklet. This manual guides you through the following topics:
❒ Installation
❒ Printer operation
❒ Control panel operations
❒ Fonts
❒ Maintenance and troubleshooting
CD-ROM (Kyocera Digital Library)
The CD-ROM supplied contains the printer User's Manual, PRESCRIBE 2e Programming Manual, and
PDF417 Two Dimensional Bar Code Implementation Manual. To gain access to these documents, insert the
CD-ROM into the appropriate drive and follow the instructions on the insert accompanying the CD-ROM.
To view these documents, you need the Adobe Acrobat software installed in your computer. For details, read
the instructions on the CD-ROM package.
The User's Manual guides you through topics concerning the operations and maintenance of the printer.
The PRESCRIBE 2e Programming Manual explains how to use the PRESCRIBE 2e commands in docu-
ment files for formatting, and their parameters in detail for experienced users, using pictures and samples.
User's Manual (on CD-ROM):
Includes the text of this manual.
PRESCRIBE 2e Programming Manual (on CD-ROM):
❒ PRESCRIBE 2e command reference
❒ Fonts
❒ Bar codes
❒ Printer permanent parameters
❒ Emulation
PDF417 Two Dimensional Bar Code Implementation Manual (on CD-ROM):
❒ PDF417 overview
❒ PRESCRIBE 2e commands for PDF417