I speiriscjr
IMPORTANT: Your dishwasher is designed to use a iiquid rinse aid. The use of rinse aids greatiy improves drying by aiiowing water to
drain from the dishes after the finai rinse. They aiso keep water from forming dropiets that can dry as spots or streaks. Do not use a
soiid or bar-type rinse aid.
4. Ciean up any spiiied rinse aid with a damp cioth.
5. Piace the knob back into the opening and turn to the “Lock”
Filling the dispenser
The rinse aid dispenser hoids 5 oz (150 mL) of rinse aid. Under
normai conditions, this wiii iast for about 1 to 3 months.
Make sure the dishwasher door is fuiiy open.
Turn the dispenser knob to “Open” and iift it out.
A. Dispenser knob
B. Indicator
C. Indicator window
3. Pour rinse aid into the opening untii the indicator points to
“Fuii.” Take care not to overfiii. (When the rinse aid indicator
drops to the “Add” ievei, add more rinse aid.)
Rinse aid setting
The amount of rinse aid reieased into the finai rinse can be
adjusted. For most water conditions, the factory setting of 2 wiii
give good resuits, if you have hard water or notice rings or
caicium spots on your giasses or dishes, try a higher setting.
To adjust the setting
1. Remove the dispenser knob.
2. Turn the arrow adjuster inside the dispenser to the desired
setting by either using your fingers or inserting a fiat-biade
screwdriver into the center of the arrow and turning.
3. Repiace the dispenser knob.
Fiot water dissoives and activates the dishwashing detergent. Fiot water aiso dissoives grease on dishes and heips giasses dry spot
free. For best dishwashing resuits, water shouid be 120°F (49°C) as it enters the dishwasher. Loads may not wash as weii if the water
temperature is too iow. Water that is too hot can make some soiis harder to remove and cause certain detergent ingredients not to
function, if your water heater is iocated far from the dishwasher, it may be necessary to run the hot water at the faucet ciosest to the
dishwasher to minimize the amount of coid water in the water iine.
To check water temperature
1. Run hot water at the faucet ciosest to your dishwasher for at
ieast 1 minute.
2. Piace a candy or meat thermometer in a giass measuring
3. Check the temperature on the thermometer as the water is
running into the cup.
Additional efficiency tips
To save water, energy and time, do not rinse dishes before
putting them into the dishwasher.
Use a deiay feature to run your dishwasher during off-peak
hours. Locai utiiities recommend avoiding heavy usage of
energy at certain times of day.
During the summer, run your dishwasher at night. This
reduces daytime heat buiidup in the kitchen.
Use a rinse aid to improve drying.
Use cycies or options that add extra heat to the wash or rinse
portion of the cycie oniy when needed.
if your home is equipped with a water softener, you may want
to avoid starting the dishwasher during the regeneration of
the softener, since this may contribute to poor wash