Step 3: Create a recovery partition. Insert the recovery CD into the optical disk drive.
Follow Step 1 ~ Step 3 described in Section C.2.2. Then type the following
commands (marked in red) to create a partition for recovery images.
DISKPART>list vol
DISKPART>sel disk 0
DISKPART>create part pri size= ___
DISKPART>assign letter=N
system32>format N: /fs:ntfs /q /v:Recovery /y
Step 4: Build the recovery partition. Press any key to boot from the recovery CD. It will
take a while to launch the recovery tool. Please be patient. When the recovery
tool setup menu appears, type <3> and press <Enter> (Figure C-30). The
Symantec Ghost window appears and starts configuring the system to build a
recovery partition. After completing the system configuration, press any key to
reboot the system. Eject the recovery CD.
Figure C-30: Manual Recovery Environment for Linux
Step 5: Access the recovery tool main menu by modifying the “menu.lst”. To first
access the recovery tool main menu, the menu.lst must be modified. In Linux,
enter Administrator (root). When prompt appears, type: