ITSO Technical Bulletin Evaluation
International Technical Support Organization
A Technical Introduction to PCI-Based RS/6000 Servers
April 1996
Publication No. SG24-4690-00
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Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 the subjects below.
(1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = average, 4 = poor, 5 = very poor)
Overall Satisfaction
Organization of the book
Accuracy of the information
Relevance of the information
Completeness of the information
Value of illustrations
Ease of reading and understanding
Ease of finding information
Level of technical detail
Print quality
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a) If you are an employee of IBM or its subsidiaries:
Do you provide billable services for 20% or more of your time? Yes____ No____
Are you in a Services Organization? Yes____ No____
b) Are you working in the USA? Yes____ No____
c) Was the Bulletin published in time for your needs? Yes____ No____
d) Did this Bulletin meet your needs? Yes____ No____
If no, please explain:
What other topics would you like to see in this Bulletin?
What other Technical Bulletins would you like to see published?
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