output bins, locating 11
output slot, locating 11
part number 36
staple jams 134
top left door, locating 11
setting default location 31
Start button
locating 9
HP Utility, Mac 97
status of product 9
status, fax accessory page 183
Stop button
locating 9
storage, job
Mac settings 58
stored jobs
creating (Mac) 58
creating (Windows) 56
deleting 59
printing 59
storing jobs
with Windows 56
low threshold settings 108
ordering 34
part numbers 34
replacing imaging drums 40
replacing toner cartridges 37
status, viewing with HP Utility for
Mac 97
using when low 108
supplies status 159
system requirements
HP Embedded Web Server 96
toner cartridge
low threshold settings 108
part numbers 34
using when low 108
toner cartridges
components 37
locating 5
replacing 37
toner-cartridge status 159
printing (Windows) 51
Tray 1
jams 113
paper orientation 18
Tray 2
jams 117
loading 21
paper orientation 22, 27
capacity 2
configure 16
included 2
locating 5
jams 112
network problems 180
paper feed problems 110
wired network 180
two-sided copying 68
two-sided printing
settings (Windows) 45
USB port
enabling 63
locating 8
USB storage accessories
printing from 63
Web browser requirements
HP Embedded Web Server 96
Web sites
HP Web Jetadmin, downloading
wizard, fax setup 88, 89