Parameters: 15 °C to 55 °C, or ** to turn the heater off.
NOTE For Celsius/Fahrenheit conversions:
F = (9 × C / 5) + 32
C = 5 × (F - 32) / 9
NOTE This value will only be applied if the HEATER PREF option is set to HEAT PANEL.
Initial temperature setting for the print heater (PRINT HEATER T)
Use this option to set the printer platen heater temperature for the selected media type.
Parameters: 15 °C to 55 °C, or ** to turn the heater off.
NOTE For Celsius/Fahrenheit conversions:
F = (9 × C / 5) + 32
C = 5 × (F - 32) / 9
NOTE This value will only be applied if the HEATER PREF option is set to HEAT PANEL.
Initial temperature setting for the rear heater (REAR HEATER T)
Use this option to set the rear heater temperature for the selected media type.
Parameters: 15 °C to 55 °C, or ** to turn the heater off.
280 Chapter 14 Tell me about front panel menus ENWW
Tell me about front panel menus