Refined Salt and Rinse Aid
(°dH = hardness measured in German degrees - °f = hardness
* Only available in selected models.
Water Hardness Table
Average salt container
capacity duration
level °dH °fH mmol/l months
1 0 - 17 0 - 30 0 - 3 3 months
2 17 - 34 31 - 60 3,1 - 6 2 months
34 - 50 61 - 90 6,1 - 9 2/3 weeks
For values between 0°f and 10°f, we do not recommend the use of salt.
* this setting may cause a slight increase in the duration of the cycles. **
for 1 wash cycle per day.
Only use products which have been specifically designed
for dishwashers. Do not use table salt or industrial salt.
Follow the instructions given on the packaging.
If you are using a multi-function product, we recommend
that you add salt in any case, especially if the water is hard or
very hard.
If you do not add salt or rinse aid, the LOW SALT* and
* indicator lights will remain lit.
Measuring out the refined salt
and on the machine’s functional components.
The salt dispenser is located in the lower part of the dishwasher
and should be filled:
• WhentheLOWRINSEAIDindicatorlightinthecontrolpanel
is lit *;
• Whenthegreenfloat* on the cap of the salt dispenser is no
longer visible.
• Seeautonomyinthewaterhardnesstable.
2. Only the first time you do this: fill the water
dispenser up to the edge.
3. Position the funnel
(see figure)
fill the salt container right up to its edge
little water to leak out.
opening; rinse the cap under running water and then screw it on.
It is advisable to perform this procedure every time you add salt
to the container.
Make sure the cap is screwed on tightly, so that no detergent can
the water softener beyond repair).
Whenever you need to add salt, we recommend carrying out
the procedure before the washing cycle is started.
Setting the water hardness
For perfect water softener operation, it is essential that the
adjustment be based on the water hardness in your house. Ask
your local water supplier for this information. The factory setting
is for medium water hardness.
•PressandholdtheSTART/PAUSEbutton for 5 seconds.
on water hardness.)
Even if using multi-functional tablets, the salt dispenser should
still be filled.
Measuring out the rinse aid
Rinseaid makes dish DRYINGeasier. The rinse aiddispenser
should be filled:
• WhentheLOWRINSEAIDindicatorlightonthepanel/display
is lit *;
• Whenthedarkopticalindicator* on the dispenser door “D”
becomes transparent.
1. Open the dispenser
“D” by pressing and pulling up the tab
on the lid;
notch of the filling space - avoid spilling it. If this happens, clean
the spill immediately with a dry cloth.
NEVER pour the rinse aid directly into the appliance tub.
Rinse-aid dispenser setting
If you are not completely satisfied with the drying results, you can
adjust the quantity of rinse aid.
•PresstheSTART/PAUSEbutton three times
•Set theknobto thelevelnumber ofrinseaid quantitytobe
run out of rinse aid.
model. The factory setting is for a medium level.