Phosphate-free and chlorine-free detergents
containing enzymes
• Westronglyrecommendthatyouusedetergents
that do not contain phosphates or chlorine, as
these products are harmful to the environment.
• Enzymesprovideaparticularlyeffectiveaction
conjunction with low-temperature wash cycles
in order to achieve the same results as a normal
in appropriate quantities based on the
manufacturer’s recommendations, the hardness
ofthewater, the soilleveland the quantity
ofcrockerytobe washed. Even if theyare
biodegradable, detergents contain substances
which may alter the balance of nature.
Before contacting Assistance:
• Checkwhethertheproblemcanberesolvedusingthe
Troubleshooting guide
(see Troubleshooting).
• Restarttheprogrammetocheckwhethertheproblem
has ceased to exist.
• Ifthe problempersists, contactthe Authorised
Technical Assistance Service.
Never use the services of unauthorised technicians.
Please have the following information to hand:
• Thetypeofmalfunction.
• Theappliancemodel(Mod.).
• Theserialnumber(S/N).
This information can be found on the appliance data plate
(see Description of the appliance)