Type, Size, and Materials
The Honda FCX is a 2-door, 4-passenger hatchback
electric vehicle that uses fuel cells to generate
power. The FCX can be easily identified by the
words “Fuel Cell Power” across the bottom of the
rear window, a blue and white compressed hydrogen
decal on the right side of the rear hatch, and the
words “Fuel Cell Power” and the FCX logo on the
driver’s and passenger’s doors. The chassis and
most components are made of steel and aluminum.
A few parts are made of plastic.
Curb Weight
The curb weight of the Honda FCX is 3,700 pounds
(1,680 kg).
Fuel Cell Module
The main power source for the FCX is a fuel cell
module, which is housed inside a strong steel box
under the passenger compartment floor. This
module contains many individual fuel cells that
combine hydrogen from onboard tanks with oxygen
from the air intake units to produce electricity. The
only by-products of this process are heat and water;
the water is released through the exhaust pipe.
Hydrogen Tanks
The hydrogen used by the fuel cell module is
compressed to 5,000 psi and stored in two tanks.
The tanks are under the rear floor of the vehicle.
They are made of nonflammable materials and
certified to have passed the same rigid impact tests
as tanks in cars fueled by compressed natural gas
At 5,000 psi, the total capacity of the tanks is 9.44
pounds (4.28 kg) of hydrogen.