Operate certain functions of your vehicle by simply having the remote transmitter
within operating range.
Engine Start/Stop Button
2 3
Unlocking the Doors
Locking the Doors
Opening the Trunk
Grab either one of the front door handles
when the vehicle is off. Wait until the doors
unlock, then pull the handle to open.
Press the door lock button on either front
door handle when the vehicle is off.
Press the trunk release button under the
trunk handle.
A c c e s s o r y o r O n M o d e
Press ENGINE START/STOP once without pressing the brake pedal for Accessory
mode. Press it again for On mode.
S t a r t i n g t h e E n g i n e
Press and hold the brake pedal, then press ENGINE START/STOP.
T u r n i n g t h e V e h i c l e O f f
Shift to Park, then press ENGINE START/STOP.
Note: If you press ENGINE START/STOP and the shift lever is not in Park, the
vehicle goes into Accessory mode.
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