New EC Motors for PRO
Top Mount Packaged Refrigeration Systems
Savings are calculated using a cost of $.09/kWh
* T For Outdoor, N for Indoor.
Model PTN/PTT Medium Temperature | Electric Defrost | Freezer Application
High Temperature
PTN 026H6 $13
PTN 031H6 $13
PTN 042H6 $13
PT* 050H6 $23-$32
PT* 067H6 $65
PT* 076H6 $65
PT* 104H6 $97
PT* 133H6 $97
80°F Ambient 90°F Ambient 95°F Ambient 100°F Ambient 110°F Ambient
Box Temperature
35° F 35° F 35° F 35° F 35° F
PTN024M6 2,970 2,730 2,610 2,470 2,230
PTN029M6 3,590 3,300 3,160 2,980 2,390
PTN040M6 4,950 4,560 4,360 4,110 3,710
PT*047M6 5,820 5,350 5,120 4,830 4,360
PT*063M6 7,800 7,180 6,860 6,470 5,850
PT*072M6 8,610 7,890 7,500 7,100 6,270
PT*099M6 12,990 11,800 11,190 10,550 9,260
PT*128M6 14,780 13,530 12,790 12,040 10,740
Top Mount | Performance, Capacities and Specications
Model PTN/PTT High/Medium Temperature | Air Defrost | Cooler Application
*T For Outdoor, N for Indoor.
80°F Ambient 90°F Ambient 95°F Ambient 100°F Ambient 110°F Ambient
Box Temperature
35° F 38° F 35° F 38° F 35° F 38° F 35° F 38° F 35° F 38° F
PTN026H6 2,970 3,100 2,730 2,860 2,610 2,740 2,470 2,600 2,230 2,340
PTN031H6 3,590 3,750 3,300 3,450 3,160 3,310 2,980 3,140 2,390 2,820
PTN042H6 4,950 5,170 4,560 4,760 4,360 4,570 4,110 4,330 3,710 3,890
PT*050H6 5,820 6,080 5,350 5,600 5,120 5,370 4,830 5,080 4,360 4,570
PT*067H6 7,800 8,150 7,180 7,500 6,860 7,190 6,470 6,810 5,850 6,130
PT*076H6 8,610 9,060 7,890 8,260 7,500 7,840 7,100 7,420 6,270 6,540
PT*104H6 12,990 13,750 11,800 12,490 11,190 11,810 10,550 11,200 9,260 9,840
PT*133H6 14,780 15,600 13,530 14,260 12,790 13,500 12,040 12,750 10,740 11,310
Introducing the most energy ecient motor available for packaged refrigeration systems. Choosing energy
ecient motors for your packaged systems can provide signicant energy savings and lower operational costs.
Additionally, because these motors can help reduce heat load (and system run-time), they can improve the
reliability and longevity of refrigeration equipment.
Electronically Commutated (EC) motors even further improve energy eciency and equipment reliability.
EC motors by InterLink™ are up to 75% ecient – that’s a 51-59% increase over shaded pole motors and a 30-35%
increase over PSC motors. As with PSC motors, you save money both directly from a decrease in motor watts and
also from a reduction of heat gain into the refrigerated space.
Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC) motors can signicantly lower your energy costs. PSC motors average 30-35%
higher eciency than shaded pole motors and oer dual energy savings by reducing motor watts and heat gain
into the refrigerated space.
Medium Temperature
PTN 024M6 $13
PTN 029M6 $13
PTN 040M6 $13
PT* 047M6 $23-$32
PT* 063M6 $65
PT* 072M6 $65
PT* 099M6 $97
PT* 128M6 $97
Low Temperature
PT*021L6 $18-$30
PT*031L6 $60
PT*044L6 $60
PT*052L6 $91
PT*069L6 $91