Start IP address
The starting address of this local IP
network address pool. The pool is a
piece of continuous IP address
segment. Keep the default value at, which should work for
most cases.
Number of IP addresses
Maximum: 253. Default value of 253
should work for most cases.
Note: If “Continuous IP address poll
starts” is set at and the
“Number of IP address in pool” is
253, the device will distribute IP
addresses from to to all the computers in
the network that request IP addresses
rom the DHCP server (IP Sharing
Static DHCP IP & MAC address
Click the ADD button to enter the
Static DHCP page. Enter IP and
Network adapter MAC addresses for
Static DHCP and click the ADD button
to save the settings. Click DELETE
ALL to clear all entries. Click the
Index drop-down menu to select the
desired entry number and then click
DELETE to delete only the selected
server. You can add up to 32 static
DHCP IPs. Click BACK to return to
the Local Port page to continue.
WINS server
When necessary, enter the IP Address
of the Windows domain name server.
SAVE After completing the settings on this
page, click SAVE to save the settings.
UNDO Click UNDO to clear all the settings
on this page.