3. Set the location type affinity.
affinity location-type { current |
paired | primary } { attract strength
| repulse strength | default |
none }
By default, no location type affinity
is set.
Configuring a process affinity
1. Enter system view.
system-view N/A
2. Enter placement process view.
• Enter default placement
process view:
placement program default
• Enter placement process view:
placement program
{ program-name [ instance
instance-name ]
Use either command.
Settings in default placement
process view take effect for all
processes. Settings in placement
process view take effect for the
specified process only.
3. Configure the affinity to
another process.
affinity program program-name
{ attract strength | repulse strength
| default | none }
By default, no process affinity is
Configuring a self affinity
Perform this task to configure the preference for one instance of a process to run on the same node as any
other instance of the process. The self affinity setting does not take effect for a process that has only one
To configure a self affinity:
1. Enter system view.
system-view N/A
2. Enter placement process view.
• Enter default placement
process view:
placement program default
• Enter placement process view:
placement program
{ program-name [ instance
instance-name ]
Use either command.
Settings in default placement
process view take effect for all
processes. Settings in placement
process view take effect for the
specified process only.
3. Configure a self affinity.
affinity self { attract strength |
repulse strength | default | none }
By default, no self affinity is set.