Figure 16 Network diagram
Configuration procedure
1. Configure the IP address of each interface as shown in Figure 16. (Details not shown.)
2. Configure an NQA test group on Router A:
# Create an NQA test group with the administrator name admin and the operation tag test.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa entry admin test
# Configure the test type as ICMP echo test.
[RouterA-nqa-admin-test] type icmp-echo
# Configure the destination address as
[RouterA-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] destination ip
# Configure the interval between two consecutive tests as 100 milliseconds.
[RouterA-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] frequency 100
# Create reaction entry 1, specifying that five consecutive probe failures trigger the Track module.
[RouterA-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] reaction 1 checked-element probe-fail
threshold-type consecutive 5 action-type trigger-only
[RouterA-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] quit
# Start the NQA test.
[RouterA] nqa schedule admin test start-time now lifetime forever
3. Configure a track entry on Router A:
# Configure track entry 1, and associate it with reaction entry 1 of the NQA test group (with the
administrator admin, and the operation tag test).
[RouterA] track 1 nqa entry admin test reaction 1
4. Configure VRRP on Router A:
# Create VRRP group 1, and configure the virtual IP address for the group.
[RouterA] interface ethernet 1/1
[RouterA-Ethernet1/1] vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip
# Set the priority of Router A in VRRP group 1 to 110.
[RouterA-Ethernet1/1] vrrp vrid 1 priority 110
# Set the authentication mode of VRRP group 1 to simple, and the authentication key to hello.