2. Associating Track with
interface management.
• Create a track entry, associate it with
the interface management module to
monitor the link status of an interface,
and specify the delay time for the Track
module to notify the associated
application module when the track
entry status changes:
track track-entry-number interface
interface-type interface-number [ delay
{ negative negative-time | positive
positive-time } * ]
• Create a track entry, associate it with
the interface management module to
monitor the Layer 3 protocol status of
an interface, and specify the delay time
for the Track module to notify the
associated application module when
the track entry status changes:
track track-entry-number interface
interface-type interface-number
protocol { ipv4 | ipv6 } [ delay
{ negative negative-time | positive
positive-time } * ]
Use either method.
No track entry is created by
Associating the Track module with an application
Associating Track with VRRP
When VRRP is operating in standard mode or load balancing mode, associate the Track module with the
VRRP group to implement the following actions:
• Change the priority of a router according to the status of the uplink. If a fault occurs on the uplink
of the router, the VRRP group is not aware of the uplink failure. If the router is the master, hosts in the
LAN cannot access the external network. This problem can be solved by establishing a Track-VRRP
group association. Use the detection modules to monitor the status of the uplink of the router and
establish collaborations between the detection modules, Track module, and VRRP. When the uplink
fails, the detection modules notify the Track module to change the status of the monitored track entry
to Negative, and the priority of the master decreases by a user-specified value. This allows a higher
priority router in the VRRP group to become the master, and maintains proper communication
between the hosts in the LAN and the external network.
• Monitor the master on a backup. If a fault occurs on the master, the backup operating in switchover
mode will switch to the master immediately to maintain normal communication.
When VRRP is operating in load balancing mode, associate the Track module with the VRRP VF to
implement the following functions:
• Change the priority of the AVF according to its uplink state. When the uplink of the AVF fails, the
track entry changes to Negative state and the weight of the AVF decreases by a user-specified value
so that the VF with a higher priority becomes the new AVF to forward packets.