Configuring POS terminal packet statistics
Perform this task to configure the router to collect POS terminal packet statistics based on source IP
addresses or caller numbers.
To configure POS packet statistics collection:
1. Enter system view.
system-view N/A
2. Create a source IP group or
add a caller number.
• To create a source IP group for
POS statistics:
posa statistics caller-ip
group-id ip-address ip-mask
• To create a caller number for
POS statistics:
posa statistics caller-id
Use either command.
The source IP-based method
applies to POS terminal templates
using TCP access.
The caller number-based method
applies to POS terminal templates
using dial-up access.
Enabling SNMP notifications for POS access
This feature enables generating SNMP notifications for POS access. The generated SNMP notifications
are sent to the SNMP module. The SNMP module determines how to output the notifications according
to the configured output rules.
For more information about SNMP notifications, see Network Management and Monitoring
Configuration Guide.
To enable SNMP notifications for POS access:
1. Enter system view.
system-view N/A
2. Enable SNMP notifications for
POS access
snmp-agent trap enable posa
[ app-state-change |
server-state-change |
terminal-hangup ] *
By default, SNMP
notifications for POS access
are enabled.
Displaying and maintaining POS access
Execute displays commands in any view and reset commands in user view.
Task Command
Display POS application template statistics.
display posa statistics app [ app-id ] [ | { begin | exclude
| include } regular-expression ]
Display POS terminal template statistics.
display posa statistics terminal [ terminal-id ] [ | { begin |
exclude | include } regular-expression ]