In keeping with GE’s leadership in the
development of COTS-based technolo-
gies to reduce SWaP, our new ADEPT3000
Video Tracker and MIP3ES Electronic Video
Stabilizer are SWaP-optimized image
processing modules designed to be placed
on small platforms such as hand-launched
UAVs or small unmanned ground vehicles.
The ADEPT3000 affords most of the func-
tionality of larger video tracker, yet is only
slightly larger than a microprocessor chip.
The MIP3ES eliminates unwanted visible
platform motion and vibration from sensor
images using low-latency post-processing.
GE has designed both solutions to be fully
ruggedized to survive harsh military envi-
ronments such as extreme temperatures,
shock, vibration, and dust.
Automatic tracking was an important devel-
opment benchmark for the ADEPT3000,
because many of the platforms in which
this device will be deployed are unmanned
and potentially only minimally controlled
by human operators. These smaller plat-
forms will also have extremely tight power
restraints, so the ADEPT3000 was held to
very low power consumption specifications.
With a footprint of just 24mm by 34 mm,
the ADEPT3000 is slightly smaller than a
single frame of 35mm photographic film.
Despite the SWaP-defined architecture of the
ADEPT3000, GE engineers were able to retain
a strong set of functionalities. The single
target tracker allows targets to be tracked
automatically or under operator control. The
ADEPT3000 also affords composite video
input and output, and an onboard RS232
TTL serial port. With full knowledge that the
ADEPT3000 will be deployed on platforms
that may be likely to be operated and main-
tained under field conditions, the tracker was
designed for ease of set-up and use with PC
control software.
As high-definition sensors become
commonplace on UAVs, their increased
bandwidth demands places significant
processing overhead on traditional video
tracking systems. The dedicated video
architecture of the ADEPT5000 ensures
that it can process the higher pixel densi-
ties, frame rates, and multiple targets with
minimal latency. This makes the ADEPT5000
especially suited for closed-loop control
applications. A wide range of high-band-
width digital video interfaces are available,
including high-definition video.
The ADEPT5000 has a simplified structured
approach which significantly reduces
configuration time and complexity with
a consequential cost saving. A compre-
hensive range of physical form factors
are available with a common functional
core, allowing a single integration process
to be used for multiple-system designs.
Careful consideration has been given to
automating operation. The enhanced
user interface, automated functions
and advanced high-resolution, full-color
symbology combine to significantly reduce
operator workload.
ADEPT3000 (actual size)