22 U25339-J-Z126-1-7600
Switching the S130 on and off using the control panel
When both systems are ready, i.e. all windows on the 3970-SKP have been opened and the
LCD display on the S130 no longer shows any P codes, you can log in on the SVP (see
page 34ff) and start the BS2000 system via PROGRAM LOAD FRAME: DETAIL-1 (see
page 51).
If a POWER ON IPL is configured, the system is loaded automatically (see page 70
Switching off
After BS2000 has been shut down, the S130 can be switched off by pressing the
POWER OFF button on the S130 control panel (see page 15) or by selecting the menu item
The SKP is switched off as follows:
There are three options for terminating the SINIX system of the SKP:
a) You call the basic menu of your window administration program by clicking on the gray
window background using the right mouse button. This menu contains the item “Exit
system”. Selecting this item allows you to initiate the termination of the system. As a
result of this selection, “<computer name>: shut down” is output. Then carry out the
following actions:
Ê Activate the root password field using the left mouse button and enter the password
for the user ID root.
Ê Select the Init status by
Ê positioning the cursor over the “Shut down” button,
Ê pressing the <BSelect> mouse button (by default the left-hand mouse button),
Ê holding the mouse button down, positioning the cursor on the desired entry of
the opened menu (“Shut down” or “Restart”) and
Ê releasing the mouse button.
Ê Carry out the desired function by clicking the “Start” button.
b) You can also terminate the SINIX system by
Ê logging in as the system administrator,
Ê entering the shell command shutdown (for shutting down the system) or
Ê the shutdown -i6 command (for shutting down and restarting the system).