RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
Glossary of Terms (continued)
Term Definition
Roller Elements of the Printer used for the transport of media consisting
of a rotating steel shaft (for ribbon) or a rotating steel shaft with a
rubber cylinder installed at the shaft midpoint (for moving cards).
Saturation A measure of the degree of color, from gray, with the same
Self-test A pre-determined print file used to confirm Printer operation sent
from the Driver.
Sensor An electro-mechanical/electro-optical device used to indicate a
change in state in the Printer such as when a card reaches a
certain location.
Software Instructions saved in computer memory that directs the computer
to perform certain tasks and functions.
SS (Start Sentinel) The character denoting the end of a magnetic data string.
String A sequence of characters that form a line of data.
Surface mount A method of mounting circuit elements onto the surface of a
circuit Board, attached at solder pads, rather than through holes
in the Board.
Surge Protector An electronic device, placed in serial to the Printer's power
supply, that prevents damage to the Printer from electronic surges
and electrical current that is outside of the normal parameters.
Temp file A temporary file, generated automatically by Windows, to store
the information for an active document. Windows should delete
these files when the application is closed.
Test-print A file stored in or generated through windows that is sent to the
Printer to test basic functionality.
Continued on the next page