RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
Setting up the Printer Driver
Once the Printer Driver has been installed, you may need to select Printer Driver options
other than the default settings. To open the Printer Driver setup window, please refer to the
following steps for the specific operating system:
IMPORTANT! Before you can print, the Printer Driver must be installed and the Printer's
power and USB cables must be connected. Also, be sure Ink and Card Cartridges are
installed. Do not connect the Printer to the PC before asked to do so.
Windows 98 / Windows Millennium
Step Procedure
Select Start button, Settings and Printers.
Double-click on the specific Card Printer and select Properties.
Windows 2000 / Windows XP
Step Procedure
Select the Start button, Settings and Printers.
Double-click on the specific Card Printer and select Properties, then click on
Printing Preferences...
(Note: If you would like to permanently save the Printer Driver settings so you
will not need to change them again, do so through the main Printer Driver setup
window described above. Although most applications do allow you to change
these same Printer Driver options from their own Print screens, the settings may
not be permanently saved.)
3 To change or verify the appropriate Printer Driver options for the print job, please
refer to the topics describing each of the Printer Driver's tabs.