Font Name Family HP Equivalent
Dutch 801 SWA Medium, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic Times
Chancery 801 Medium SWA Italic - ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic
Symbol SWM - Symbol
Symbol SWA - SymbolPS
More WingBats SWM - Wingdings
FixedPitch 850 Regular, Bold, Italic Letter Gothic
Naskh BT Medium, Bold Naskh
Koufi BT Medium, Bold Koufi
FixedPitch 810 Dark Medium, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic CourierPS
Line Printer - Line Printer
OCR A - -
OCR B - -
Code39 9.37cpi, 4.68cpi -
EAN/UPC Medium, Bold -
Depending on the print density, or on the quality or color of the paper, OCR A, OCR B, Code39, and
EAN/UPC fonts may not be readable. Print a sample and make sure the fonts can be read before printing
large quantities.
ESC/P 2 and FX modes
Font Name Family
FixedPitch 810 Medium, Bold
EPSON Prestige -
EPSON Roman -
EPSON Sans serif -
Swiss 721 SWM
Medium, Bold
Epson Font Guide
Working with Fonts 21