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❏ Background Printing dialog box (click the Background
Printing icon button located in the Print dialog box)
❏ Preview dialog box (click the Preview icon button and then
in the Print dialog box)
The Mode settings in the Print dialog box are arranged to give you
three levels of control over the printer driver, Automatic,
PhotoEnhance and Custom.
In addition to making comprehensive Mode settings that affect
overall print quality, you can also modify individual aspects of
your printout using the settings contained in the Page Setup and
the Layout dialog boxes.
Making the Media Type setting
The Media Type setting determines what other settings are
available, so you should always make this setting first.
In the Print dialog box, select the Media Type setting that matches
the paper that is loaded in the printer. To find out what media
type you are using, find your media in the list found under
“Media types” on page 22, and refer to the corresponding media
type under which it is grouped (shown in larger type). For some
media, there are several Media Type settings to choose from.
Replacing Ink Cartridges
Replacing an Empty Ink Cartridge
The Status Monitor 3 utility (for Windows), or the StatusMonitor
utility (for Macintosh), lets you monitor the remaining ink levels
from your computer and view on-screen instructions for
replacing an empty or nearly empty ink cartridge.