[ pg. 22]
5. Advanced Networking Setting
If you would like to manually configure the advanced Networking Settings please open your browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox), and type in the
default IP to get access to the web-based management utility. Once open, click
to start the configuration.
There are 8 main tabs in the Advanced Networking Setting. They are System, Internet, Wireless, Parent Control, Firewall, VPN, Advanced, and
Status: You can review the router information and setting status
Model: The model name of ESR300H
Mode: The operation mode you choose
Uptime: The duration which ESR300 is connected
Hardware Version: The hardware version number of your ESR300H
Serial Number: The serial number of your ESR300H. The serial number is required when you need customer support or repair for your ESR300H.
Application Version: The software version of your ESR300H. You can always update to the latest firmware of your ESR300. The latest firmware can
be found on the EnGenius website. (please visit www.engeniustech.com for the latest firmware and the related documents)
WAN Settings
Attain IP Protocol: Displays the IP Protocol in use for the ESR300H. It can be Dynamic IP address or Static IP Address.
IP Address: Your router’s WAN IP address
Submask: Your router’s WAN Submask
Default Gateway: Your ISP’s Gateway IP address