Network Basics
Dell 7130cdn Professional Color Printer
User Guide
Printer Management Software
Embedded Web Server
The EWS provides access to the printer’s embedded Web server. It enables you to easily
manage, configure, and monitor network printers using a Web browser on a network computer.
EWS gives administrators access to printer status, configuration, security settings, and
diagnostic functions. It also provides access to special printing functions such as printing saved
The EWS enables you to:
• Check supplies status from your computer, saving a trip to the printer. Access job accounting
records to allocate printing costs and plan supplies purchases.
• Define a network printer search and view a list of printers using Printer Neighborhood. The
list provides current status information and allows you to manage printers independent of
network servers and operating systems.
• Configure printers from your computer. The EWS makes it easy to copy settings from one
printer to another.
• Set up and use a simple Web-browser-based printing system. Marketing collateral, sales
materials, business forms, or other standardized, frequently used documents can be saved
as a group with their original driver settings then reprinted on demand at high speed from any
user's browser. A printer with a hard drive is required to support these functions.
• Troubleshoot print quality problems using built-in diagnostics.
• Define a link to your local Web server’s support page.
• Access online manuals and technical support information located on the Dell website.
Note: The EWS requires a Web browser and a TCP/IP connection between the printer and
the network (in Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX environments). TCP/IP and HTTP must be
enabled in the printer. JavaScript is required to access the pages in Printer Neighborhood. If
JavaScript is disabled, a warning message appears and the pages do not function properly.
For complete information about the EWS, click the Help button in the EWS to go to the EWS
Online Help.