ᵄ Loosen the adjustment bolt and turn the
adjustment bolt until the end of the bolt touches to
the brake lever.
ᵄ Tighten the lock nut and apply a small amount of
1. The brake adjustment has been made at the
factory, so that it is not re-adjust.
However, in case of insufficient brake operation,
problem the upper procedure.
2. Overtightening of the adjustment bolt will cause
poor brake performance.
3. Undertightening of the adjustment bolt will
cause continuous braking and thereby.
cause the problems of the motor during the
Brake Adjustment
ᵄ Lay the front of the floor.
ᵄ Loosen two special screw and motor synchronous.
ᵄ Take out the wire of motor synchonous from the
ᵄ Separate the motor sycnchronous from the base.
Motor Synchronous And Valve Replacement(Non Pump Model)
ᵄ Turn the valve by using screw driver as shown in
ᵄ Remove the valve lid from the valve drain assy.