— 18 —
ESC – n
[Function] Specifying/canceling underline
[Code] <1B>H<2D>H<n>
[Range] 0 n 2
48 n 50
[Outline] Specifying/canceling an underline.
Underline canceled
Underline specified
[Caution] • An underline is attached to the full character width. It is, however, not attached to
the part having been skipped by horizontal tab (HT) command.
• An underline is not attached to 90°-right-turned characters and white-on-black
• Underline can also be specified/canceled by ESC ! but the setting of command last
processed is valid.
• Specifying/canceling by this command is not valid for kanji.
• Underline width is constant in the specified thickness regardless of the character
[Default] n = 0
[See Also] ESC !, FS –
[Sample Program]
LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);"-";CHR$(0);
LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);"-";CHR$(1);
[Print Results]
n Function
0, 48 Canceling underline
1, 49 Setting 1-dot width underline
2, 50 Setting 2-dot width underline