— 138 —
F S q n [xL xH yL yH d1…dk] 1… [xL xH yL yH d1…dk] n
[Function] Defining the download NV bit image
[Code] <1C>H<71>H<n>H
[Range] 1
n 255, 0 xL 255,
xH 3 but, 1 (xL + xH × 256) 1023
yL 255
yH 1 but, 1 (yL + yH × 256) 288
d 255
k = (xL + xH × 256) × (yL + yH ×256) × 8
Total definition area = 2M bit (256K bytes)
[Outline] This command defines the specified NV bit image.
•“n” denotes the number of bit images to be defined.
• xL and xH denote the horizontal size of one NV bit image as
(xL + xH × 256) × 8 dots.
• yL and yH denote the vertical size of one NV bit image as (yL +
yH × 256) × 8 dots.
[Details] • Because all the NV bit images previously defined by this
command are deleted, it is not possible to redefine any one of
the previously defined multiple data. All the data must be
• From the execution of this command until the completion of
the hardware reset, any mechanical operation such as opening
the cover, initializing the printer head position, or using the
paper-feed switch etc.
• The NV bit image refers to a bit image that is defined by the
FS q command in the non-volatile memory and printed by the
FS p command.
• When the STANDARD MODE is selected, this command is only
valid when it is written at the head of a line.
• This command is invalid when PAGE MODE is selected.
• This command becomes valid after the 7 bytes of <FS ~ yH>
are processed as normal values.
• When data which exceeds the remaining capacity of the
defined area is specified by xL, xH, yL, yH, outside-defined-
area arguments will be processed.
• When outside-defined-area arguments are processed for the
first bit image data group, this command becomes invalid.