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management via Telnet. Cisco 830 series routers come equipped with two embedded remote management tools, Cisco Security Device Manager
(SDM) and Cisco Router Web SetUp Tool (CRWS).
For scalability in deployment and management, the Cisco Router Web SetUp Tool, available in several languages, allows nontechnical users to
quickly set up the router and turn on key features such as the stateful firewall. Cisco Security Device Manager provides added functionality for
Web-based security and router set up and monitoring. Cisco provides a suite of solutions—such as Cisco Easy VPN, the Cisco IE 2100 Intelligence
Engine, Cisco VPN Solution Center (VPNSC), the CiscoWorks Router Management Center (Router MC) and Cisco Configuration Express—that
allow for scalable network deployment and management, including automated security policy push and configuration updates.
For reliable access, the virtual AUX port on Cisco 831, 836, and 837 routers can be used for dial backup with an external modem, should the primary
WAN connection fail. On the Cisco 836 router, an integrated ISDN BRI S/T port also provides ISDN dial backup and out-of-band management. The
Cisco 830 Series runs Cisco IOS Software, the industry-proven software that has become the standard for reliable business access.
Table 1. Key Product Features and Benefits
Features Benefits
Advanced Security and Performance for Enterprise-Class VPNs
Demilitarized Zone Port (DMZ) One of the switch ports could be convertsed in to a DMZ port to place publicly
accessible servers or to segregate users on the LAN.
Dynamic DNS The router could be accessed by a DNS name. Hence the router will be accessible
even if the WAN IP address keeps on changing.
Stateful-Inspection Firewall • Offers internal users secure, per-application dynamic access control (stateful
inspection) for all traffic across perimeters
• Defends and protects router resources against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks
• Provides context-based access control (CBAC)
• Checks packet headers and drops suspicious packets
• Protects against unidentified, malicious Java applets
• Details transactions for reporting on a per-application, per-feature basis
Network Security Features with Cisco IOS Software,
Including Access Control Lists (ACLs), Network Address
Translation/Port Address Translation (NAT/PAT), Lock &
Key Security, Dynamic ACLs, and Router and Route
Provides perimeter network security to prevent unauthorized network access
Cisco IDS Detects and prevents DoS attacks and unauthorized network access; sends alerts
to initiate appropriate action