Cable/DSL VPN Router with 4-Port 10/100 SwitchInstant Broadband
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
The EtherFast
Cable/DSL VPN Router with 4-Port 10/100 Switch 1
Features 1
Chapter 2: Your Virtual Private Network (VPN) 2
Why Do I Need a VPN? 2
What is a Virtual Private Network? 3
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the EtherFast
Cable/DSL VPN Router with 4-Port 10/100 Switch 6
The VPN Router’s Rear Panel 6
The VPN Router’s Front Panel LEDs 7
Chapter 4: Connecting the Cable/DSL VPN Router
to Your Network 9
Overview 9
About Static & Dynamic IP Addresses 9
Connecting Everything Together & Booting Up 10
Chapter 5: Configuring Your Network 12
Configuring Your PCs to Connect to the Cable/DSL VPN Router 12
Configuring the Cable/DSL VPN Router 14
Chapter 6: The Cable/DSL VPN Router’s
Web-based Utility 19
Logging into the Web-based Utility 19
Setup 20
VPN 25
Password 27
Status 28
Log 42
Help 43
Filters 46
Forwarding 49
Dynamic Routing 51
Static Routing 52
DMZ Host 54
MAC Address Cloning 55
Appendix A: Troubleshooting 56
Common Problems and Solutions 56
Frequently Asked Questions 69
Appendix B: Maximizing VPN Security 74
Appendix C: Configuring IPSec between a
Windows 2000 or XP PC and a Linksys
Cable/DSL VPN Router 76
Introduction 76
Environment 76
Step One: Create an IPSec Policy 77
Step Two: Build Filter Lists 78
Step Three: Configure Individual Tunnel Rules 83
Step Four: Assign New IPSec Policy 91
Step Five: Create a Tunnel Through the Web-Based Utility 92