B-field Exposure From Induction Cooking Appliances 66
6.1.5 B-field Measurement Above the Appliances
As indicated in Figure 52, the B-field was measured above the induction cookers to evaluate the
exposure in the vicinity of the pot.
With induction cookers, the surroundings of the hob do not heat significantly, allowing the
cook to stay in the vicinity of the cooking area, where the magnetic field exposure is at a
Figure 52: Description of the B-field measurement above a) appliance 1, b) appliance
2 and c) appliance 3: The probe measures the B-field along the horizontal y-axis, at the front
sides of the appliances (single-hob measurements, with pots 3, 8 and 13 centered on the hobs).
The B-fields measured above the three appliances are given in Figure 53. The maximum
rms-values measured are 9.3 µT and 47 µT for pots 3 and 8, respectively (appliance 1), 9.5 µT
and 61 µT for pots 3 and 8, respectively (appliance 2), and 55 µT, 80 µT and 84 µT for pots 3,
13 and 8, respectively (appliance 3). These values exceed the ICNIRP guidelines by a factor of
1.5, 7.5, 1.5, 9.8, 8.8, 12.8 and 13.4, respectively.