This manual is divided into five parts containing the information required for servicing the BJC-
8500 printer.
Part 1: Safety and Precautions
This part contains information on how to service the unit safely. It is very important, and
must be read.
Part 2: Product Specifications
This part outlines the product and its specifications.
Part 3: Operating Instructions
This part explains how to operate the unit properly, how to set it up properly, and how to
use the service mode.
Part 4: Technical Reference
This part outlines the unit operation giving a technically.
Part 5: Maintenance
This part explains maintenance of the unit. It includes details of disassembly/assembly,
adjustments required when assembling, troubleshooting procedures, and wiring/circuit
diagrams, etc.
This manual does not contain complete information required for
disassembling and assembling the BJC-8500 printer. Please also refer to the
separate Parts Catalog.
This printer prints various ink and plain paper ink optimizer (except in the
draft mode when plain paper, envelope or thick paper is selected). This plain
paper ink optimizer is an almost transparent, colorless liquid.
For convenience, this manual sometimes refers to the plain paper ink
optimizer simply as "ink optimizer" and the combination of ink and plain
paper ink optimizer as "ink."
This manual also refers to the BJ cartridge and print head (head) as the one
and same thing.