Run-fl at tires do not come equipped with a spare tire and wheel.
Due to low-profi le tires, please note: wheels, tires and suspension parts are more susceptible to road hazard and
consequential damages. Performance tires not recommended for driving in snow and ice.
Standard equipment Optional equipment
Radial Spoke (Style ) forged wheels, x. front, x. rear, with / front,
/ r e a r r u n - fl a t
performance tires
are included in the i and Li Sport Package.
-inch Star Spoke (Style ) light
a l l o y w h e e l s w i t h / r u n - fl a t
all-season tires are standard on both
the i and Li.
Multi Spoke (Style ) light alloy
wheels, x. front, x. rear, with
/ front, / rear run-fl at
performance tires
are available as an
option on the i and Li, or as an
alternate choice when the Sport Package
is ordered.