Corrosion on brake discs 146
Cruise control 112
Cruise control, active with
Stop & Go 106
Cruising range 75
Cup holder 139
Curb weight 255
Current fuel consumption 74
Current location, storing 158
Customer Relations 216
Damage, tires 228
Damping Control, dy‐
namic 101
Data, technical 254
Date 74
Daytime running lights 86
Defrosting, refer to Windows,
defrosting 126
Destination distance 77
Destination guidance 163
Destination guidance with in‐
termediate destinations 162
Destination input, naviga‐
tion 156
Detour, selecting 168
Diesel fuel 224
Diesel particulate filter 144
Digital clock 74
Digital radio 175
Dimensions 254
Dimmable mirrors 57
Direction indicator, refer to
Turn signals 67
Displacement, engine 255
Display, instrument clus‐
ter 73
Display in windshield 123
Display lighting, refer to Instru‐
ment lighting 88
Displays 14
Displays, care 251
Disposal, coolant 235
Disposal, vehicle battery 242
Distance control, refer to
PDC 114
Distance, selecting for
ACC 107
Distance to destination 77
Divided screen view, split
screen 23
Door lock, refer to Remote
control 32
Doors, Automatic Soft Clos‐
ing 38
Drawbar nose weight 256
Drive-off assistant 105
Drive-off assistant, refer to
DSC 100
Driving instructions, breaking
in 144
Driving notes, general 144
Driving stability control sys‐
tems 100
Driving tips 144
DSC Dynamic Stability Con‐
trol 100
DTC Dynamic Traction Con‐
trol 100
DVD/CD 181
DVD/CD notes 186
DVD/CD player, rear 195
DVD changer 185
DVD settings 184
DVDs, storing 187
DVD, video 183
Dynamic Damping Con‐
trol 101
Dynamic destination guid‐
ance 164
Dynamic Drive 101
Dynamic Driving Control 102
Dynamic Stability Control
DSC 100
Dynamic Traction Control
DTC 100
EfficientDynamics, refer to
Saving fuel 151
Electronic displays, instru‐
ment cluster 16
Electronic engine oil level
check 234
Electronic Stability Program
ESP, refer to DSC 100
Emergency detection, remote
control 33
Emergency release, door
lock 38
Emergency release, fuel filler
door 222
Emergency release, parking
brake 64
Emergency release, transmis‐
sion lock 71
Emergency Request 244
Emergency service, refer to
Roadside Assistance 245
Emergency start function, en‐
gine start 33
Emergency unlocking, tail‐
gate 41
Energy Control 74
Energy recovery 75
Engine compartment 232
Engine compartment, working
in 232
Engine coolant 235
Engine oil 234
Engine oil, adding 234
Engine oil additives 234
Engine oil filler neck 234
Engine oil temperature 74
Engine oil types, alterna‐
tive 234
Engine oil types, ap‐
proved 234
Engine specifications 255
Engine start, assistance 245
Engine start during malfunc‐
tion 33
Engine start, refer to Starting
the engine 62
Engine stop 63
Engine temperature 74
Equalizer 172
Equipment, interior 131
ESP Electronic Stability Pro‐
gram, refer to DSC 100
Seite 266
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