Combination examples Colors Equipment
We constantly monitor your BMW’s needs – so you don’t have to.
Ta c k l i n g m o u n t a i n s w i t c h backs, the last thing you should be thinking about is
the state of your brake pads. Thanks to BMW’s integrated on-board diagnos tics
system, you will always know exactly when the next service is due, and what
work will be required.
Condition-Based Service (CBS) measures the condition of key parts that are
subject to wear and tear. It also tracks fl uid levels and monitors your BMW’s
time- and mileage-dependent service requirements. Using this data, the Info
Display in the cockpit automatically alerts you in advance whenever any part of
your vehicle will require servicing. You can also use the iDrive Control Display to
fi n d o u t w h i c h c o m p o n e n t s w i l l n e e d t o b e s e r v i c e d , a n d w h e n .
When combined with TeleService – the innova tive telematics service included
with the standard BMW Assist™ Safety Plan
– the CBS-collected data is
automatically transmitted to your BMW center, which then contacts you to set
up a service appointment. And because they use only Original BMW Parts,
you can rely on expert fi t and long-lasting BMW quality.
BMW Ultimate Service.™ At BMW,
we believe that a premium ownership
experience should feature perform-
ance and luxury, as well as safety and
convenience. We believe you should
be able to drive a BMW to its poten-
tial, while enjoying peace of mind and
reduced cost of ownership. That’s the
idea behind BMW Ultimate Service:
a suite of comprehensive programs
and services that are included with
every new vehicle. The New Vehicle/
SAV Limited Warranty, the BMW
Maintenance Program, Roadside
Assistance and BMW Assist with
Te l e S e r v i c e c o m e s t a n d a rd . B M W
Ultimate Service starts with the New
Vehicle/SAV Limited Warranty,
providing you with coverage for the
first four years or , miles, which-
ever comes first. Additionally, you have
-year, unlimited-mileage warranty
protection against corrosion and rust
BMW Maintenance
Program is one of the most com-
prehensive maintenance programs
in its class. We cover all factory-
recommended maintenance during
the New Vehicle/SAV Limited Warranty
coverage period. This includes sched-
uled oil services and inspections. Also
covered is the replacement of items
that are subject to normal wear and
tear, such as brake pads, wiper blade
inserts and engine drive belts.
thanks to BMW’s advanced engi-
neering, most owners enjoy a well-
balanced maintenance schedule, with
flexible routine service intervals that
can save you time. When your vehicle
requires attention, your auth o rized
BMW center ensures that it receives
only genuine BMW parts – your assur-
ance of exacting quality standards.
BMW Roadside Assistance is
provided free of charge for the first
four years – with no mileage limit.
Call ---BMW ()
for friendly on-the-road help, /,
any where in the United States, Can-
ada and Puerto Rico. This includes
everything from flat-tire changes,
emergency gasoline and lock-out
service, to towing, alternative trans-
portation and even trip-interruption
benefits. This service also provides
valuable trip-routing advice.
The BMW Assist Safety Plan
included with BMW Ultimate Service
for the first four years – with no mile-
age limit, at no cost. You’ll enjoy peace
of mind knowing that a friendly
response specialist is there to help
you, /, at just the push of a button.
The Safety Plan includes Automatic
Collision Notification, Emergency
Request, Enhanced Roadside Assis-
tance, Door Unlock, Stolen Vehicle
Recovery and Customer Relations.
MyInfo allows you to send business
locations and street addresses with
their associated phone numbers from
the Google Maps™ website directly
to your BMW. The destination can
be sent to your Navi gation system
for turn-by-turn directions, and you
can call the destination via your
linked cell phone. And
for the ultimate in coverage, add the
optional Convenience Plan.
enjoy unlimited access to personalized
Directions, Traffic and Weather reports,
as well as our Concierge feature,
which can send a destination address
and phone number, such as a restau-
rant or hotel, right to your BMW. You
can make up to four operator-assisted
calls per year with Critical Calling if
your cell phone is not available, or if its
battery is discharged. BMW Search™
allows online access to up-to-date fuel
prices and the latest weather forecasts,
as well as Bloomberg’s stock indices
and the powerful reach of the Google
Maps database – delivered to the
iDrive display right inside your vehicle.
BMW’s unique Te l e S e r vi c e , included
in the BMW Assist Safety Plan, con-
tinually monitors specifi c parts that are
subject to wear and tear – including
the engine oil, micro-fi lter, spark plugs,
brake linings and various fl uids – as
well as services that require attention
at regular intervals, such as vehicle
service inspections. This data is auto-
matically transmitted to your BMW
center, which will then call you to
schedule a service appointment. You
don’t have to keep track of when your
vehicle requires routine maintenance.
An added benefi t: any needed mainte-
nance service parts will already be on
hand, so your BMW is serviced and
returned to you as quickly as possible.
For more details on BMW Ultimate
Service, visit your authorized BMW
center or log on to
The BMW Performance Center in Spartanburg, SC.
Just beyond the foothills of the Carolinas’ Blue Ridge Mountains lies the
$ million BMW Performance Center. This sprawling, modern complex
houses the world-famous BMW Performance Driving School, as well as
the Zentrum Museum, BMW Boutique, BMW Delivery Center, and a
Corporate Conference Center. Nearby is BMW’s only manufactur ing
facility in the U.S., where models, such as the SAV,
are built for export
worldwide. It’s a unique place where BMW enthusi asts can spend days
– or, in the surrounding area, an entire vacation.
Equipment charts Technical data BMW Services
BMW Virtual Center.
If you get the sudden urge to shop
for a BMW but your BMW center is
closed, there’s good news – the BMW
Virtual Center is open hours a day!
Log on to, and in
the top navigation bar, choose “Build
Your Own, ” and then the mo del that
interests you. Configure the BMW
of your dreams, and see what the
monthly payments would be. You
can even send the specifications to
your author ized BMW center, apply
for financing, or request a test drive
– all online!
BMW Financial Services.
Arranging to buy or lease a BMW
is easier than you may think. Your
authorized BMW center offers leasing
and financing to suit your personal
needs through BMW Financial
Start the process at our
website, where you can build your
“dream vehicle,” get an estimate
on a monthly lease or financing
payment, submit a credit application
to BMW Financial Services – and
get approval – all online!
To find out
how BMW Financial Services can
help put you behind the wheel of
your favorite BMW model, log on to or call, toll-free,
BMW Publications in
“Media Gallery & Library.”
Sent to new owners and lessees
several times a year, BMW Magazine
is a fascinating view of the latest
events and products in the world of
BMW, including personality profiles,
travel reviews, and the latest BMW
tech nologies. You can read articles
from BMW Magazine on the BMW
website at under the
“Media Gallery & Library” heading,
found in the “Experience” section.
Here, you can also view featured
videos and images, read recent
news articles, and download BMW
wallpapers. While you’re there, check
out the “News Feed” area to enjoy
articles from Inside Track. For more
infor mation, call Customer Assistance
at ---BMW () or visit
BMW online at
The new BMW Welt (“BMW World”)
delivery and brand-experience center
in Munich is bold proof of BMW’s
passion for design. When you take
advantage of the BMW European
Delivery Program,
this is where you
will meet your new BMW – in a
personalized process that is highly
dramatic and totally unforgettable.
(You might also realize substantial
savings that just may pay for your trip.)
While you’re there, marvel at the
historic BMWs in the Museum; learn
about our engineers’ newest innova-
tions in the Technology and Design
Atelier; and take a tour of the plant to
experience firsthand the state-of-the-
art methods used to create a BMW.
Then comes the unique experience of
driving your new BMW on the roads it
was designed for. To learn more, visit
BMW Performance Driving School.
Whether you’ve been driving for decades or just got your learner’s permit,
we can help take your driving skills to the next level. Behind the wheel of
our new BMWs and under the expert guidance of professional driving
instructors, you’ll hone your driving skills on a versatile driving course –
. miles of asphalt that can be confi gured in a multitude of ways. In
One- and Two-Day Schools you can tackle the skid pad, slalom course
and water walls. The BMW Performance Driving School is about control
and pushing a BMW to its limits – and yours.
BMW Performance Center Delivery.
You’ll always remember the fun of taking delivery of your new BMW –
with BMW Performance Center Delivery. After enjoying dinner and an
overnight stay at a fi rst-class hotel, we’ll take you and your companion
to the Performance Center where a Product Specialist will give you an
in-depth introduction to your new BMW. Then at the Performance
Driving School, you’ll get tips from a professional driving instructor as
you explore the dynamic capabilities of a similar model. It’s exciting, it’s
enlightening – and it’s all compliments of BMW with your new vehicle.
To learn more about the BMW Performance Center, call -- or visit
The BMW Assist and Bluetooth Hands-free Calling system with years of Safety Plan services is standard. In order to receive BMW Assist services, a subscriber agreement must be completed
and transferred to the BMW Assist Response Center. GPS and underlying wireless services must be available and functioning; vehicle ignition must be turned on (except for Door Unlock and
Stolen Vehicle Recovery), battery charged and connected and vehicle’s electrical system operational; services may be limited to certain geographic areas. Call toll-free ---, go to, or visit your BMW center for additional program details. Services are subject to the terms and conditions of your subscriber agreement.
See your authorized BMW center for details on these limited warranties.
The BMW Maintenance Program covers factory-recommended maintenance services as determined by the Service Interval Indicator for all new eligible MY and later BMW vehicles. Specific
additional items that need replacement due to normal wear and tear are also covered. The maintenance coverage period is for the first years or , miles, whichever comes first. Exclusions
from coverage include: gasoline, gasoline additives, windshield washer fluid and additives, battery, tires, wheels, wheel alignment and tire balancing. All work must be performed by an authorized
BMW center. See the Service and Warranty Information booklet for specific terms, conditions and limitations. Further information can also be obtained from your authorized BMW center.
Requires BMW Assist Safety Plan subscription. Services are subject to the terms and conditions of your subscriber agreement. Please go to for additional details on the optional
Convenience Plan.
Subject to credit approval and other terms and conditions.
Not all models available for BMW European Delivery Program. Please go to or visit your authorized BMW center for details.