Adjust the mirrors
Attempting to adjust the
mirror while riding the mo-
torcycle can lead to accidents.
Do not attempt to adjust the mir-
ror unless the motorcycle is at a
Turn the mirror to the correct
Adjusting mirror arm
Push protective cap 1 up over
the threaded fastener on the
mirror arm.
Slacken nut 2.
Turn the mirror arm to the ap-
propriate position.
Tighten the nut to the spe-
cified tightening torque, while
holding the mirror arm to en-
sure that it does not move out
of position.
Locknut (mirror) to
clamping piece
20 Nm
Push the protective cap over
the threaded fastener.
Spring preload
Adjustment for rear
It is essential to set spring pre-
load of the rear suspension to
suit the load carried by the mo-
torcycle. Increase spring preload
when the motorcycle is heavily
loaded and reduce spring preload
accordingly when the motorcycle
is lightly loaded.
Adjusting spring preload
for rear wheel
Make sure the ground is level
and firm and place the motor-
cycle on its stand.