Thank you for selecting the Blue Bird TC/2000. Your TC/2000 is the result of mass transportation devel-
opments, which have been ongoing since 1927. The design and construction of the TC/2000 reflects Blue
Bird’s concern for efficient, and above all, Safe Operation.
This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with various aspects of service, maintenance and opera-
tion. It explains the various features and controls which should be familiar to the operator before he/she
attempts to drive the unit and will help keep your Blue Bird TC/2000 in top operating condition and help
extend its service life.
Your Blue Bird TC/2000 may have all or some of the equipment described in this manual. Therefore, you
may find maintenance data for equipment not installed on your bus. Text, illustrations and specifications in
this manual are based on information available at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make changes
at any time without notice. To obtain maintenance and parts information, refer to Blue Bird Chassis Mainte-
nance Manual and Parts Catalog. You are encouraged to contact your Blue Bird distributor, if additional
maintenance information or assistance is needed.
The complete line of Blue Bird Service Parts is available from your Blue Bird distributor. The use of origi-
nal Blue Bird replacement parts and components will help insure that the design features inherent in the TC/
2000 remain for the life of the vehicle.
Proper operation, service and maintenance is important to the safety and reliability of all motor vehicles.
The information contained herein is provided as a reference for systems and components that require peri-
odic service. The intervals given are manufacturer’s recommendations and should be considered maximum
intervals. Actual operating conditions must be considered and maintenance intervals adjusted accordingly.
Anytime a system does not perform satisfactorily, corrective service should be performed at once.
Familiarity with automobile operation and controls is not a prerequisite, but is assumed to be common
knowledge to all who will be operating this coach. Basically, control and operation of both are the same, but
some distinct differences must be recognized before operation of the coach is attempted.
Remember: The bus is 8 feet wide without outside mirrors and is 25 to 40 feet long. Therefore, it is 2 feet
wider and 2 to 3 times as long as the average automobile. The driver sits in front of the wide track front axle,
so the steering has a completely different feel. Acceleration will very likely be slower than that of an automo-
bile. The feel of the brakes may differ from that which is familiar to the new operator. This makes it very
important, from a safety standpoint, for him or her to become completely familiar with that function through
experience before attempting passenger transit. The operator will observe other differences, but after acquir-
ing basic familiarization and some practical experience, he will find the operation quickly becomes quite
natural, comfortable and far from difficult.
CAUTION: No one should attempt to operate this coach without a thorough knowledge of all instruments
and controls, without having had actual driving experience in this or a similar vehicle under supervision,
and without having the appropriate license or permit to operate it. Do not drive the coach until the space
in front, on the sides and in the rear is unobstructed. Most accidents occur because the operator did not
ensure that there was no one in the way before driving.
This manual should be read before the operator attempts to drive the unit.
This manual provides you with the most current maintenance and operation information. We welcome
your comments and suggestions regarding this manual. All correspondence should be directed to the Techni-
cal Services Department of Blue Bird Body Company, P.O. Box 937, Fort Valley, GA, 31030, Attn: TECHNICAL