20 / English
Front-Loading Automatic Washer
Operating Instructions
Loading the washer
Maximum load capacity depends on the fabric type of laundry, soiling amount of laundry and program
cycle you wish to use.
Ò Do not exceed the maximum load capacity of the selected program cycle.
Washing results are adversely affected by an overloaded drum. Overloading
may also cause wrinkling and abrasion on clothes.
Make sure power button is off before loading the washer. To load the washer,
• Pullthedoorhandle.
• Placelaundryitemslooselyinthedrum.
• Mixsmallandlargeitemsforanevenloaddistribution.Largeitemsshouldbeloadedfirst.Large
items should not be more than half of the total wash load.
• Ifyouputawashbagornetwhichisfilledwithsmallitemsinthedrum,putanadditionalwash
bag to prevent load unbalance. Both wash bags should have the same amount of items to provide
an even load distribution.
• Beforewashingasingleorafewitemssuchasapillow,ateddybear,asingleorapairofshirts,
sweat shirts etc, put some additional items in the drum for better load distribution and spinning.
• Makesurethatthereisnoclothingobstructingthedoororcaughtbetweenthedoorandrubber
• Pushtheloadingdoorfirmlyshutuntilyouhearitlockintospace(especiallyifyouloadthewasher
with full load or big items).
• Incasethedoorisnotlocked,“door”expressionwillappeareonthescreen.Inthatcase,door
should be opened and closed again firmly.
• Ifthedoorisnotclosedcompletely,themachinewillnotstart.Thisisasafetyprecaution.Thefront
door is locked until end of the washing program and it can not be opened untill the door icon on
LCD is off following the end of the program.
• Unloadthewasheditemsjustaftertheprogramcyclehasfinished.Delayofunloadingmaycause
wrinkling and unwanted odor on laundry.
• Checktoseeanysmallmetalitemssuchaspins,coinsetcleftinrubbersealwhileunloadingthe
washer. Any residual metal items may cause rusting on the rubber seal.
• Ifthereisanywaterleftinrubberseal,removewithasoftcloth.
Detergent Use
About Detergent
Ò Your washer is designed to use only HE (high efficiency) detergents. You
should always look for the following symbol on the label of detergents:
If you use a non-HE detergent with this washer, high sudsing will occur. High sudsing will decrease
tumble action effectiveness, washing and rinsing performance worsen. Suds may flow out of
detergent dispenser giving damage to your washer.
Ò Thedetergentslabeledas“HEcompatible”mayalsoleadtohighsudsing