16 / English
Front-Loading Automatic Washer
Installation Instructions
• Besuretosecurethedrainhosetightlytothepipe(standpipe,drainpipe/edgeofthesink)witha
strap etc.
• Thehoseshouldbeplacedbetween16and39in.(40and100cm)fromthefloorlevel
• Ifyouhavefloordrainsystem,youcanplacethedrainhoseintheholelocatedonthefloor.
Installation Checklist
• Waterinlethosesandaccessorybagsmustberemovedfromthewashdrum.
• Transportation/shippingboltsmustberemoved.
• Washermustbeproperlyleveledbyusingtheadjustablefeet.
• Waterinlethosesareconnectedtothewaterfaucets,securedandcheckedforanyleaksby
turning on both faucets.
• Draininstallationisdoneproperlyanddrainhoseischeckedandsecuredtopreventanyflooding.
• Washerisconnectedthejunctionboxwhichispluggedtoaproperlygroundedlivemainsoutlet.
• Besurethatpoweroutlet,waterfaucetsanddrainoutletmustbealwaysaccessibletotheuser.
Before you transport the washer, you should carry out the following:
1. Turn off both water faucets.
2. Before you disconnect the water inlet hoses, decrease the pressure inside hoses by turning on the
the appliance. You may securely disconnect inlet hoses without any water gush.
3. Disconnect the drain hose and hang it on the back plate by inserting into the holder plastic
4. Unplug the power cord and hang it on the back plate by inserting into the holder plastic brackets.
5. Remove bolt hole covers and reinstall shipping bolts to their places. You can apply the procedure in
chapter“Removingshipping bolts”inreversetoaccomplishthis.
6. Be sure that rubber bushes are properly located in holes and bolts are screwed back tightly for
secure transportation of the appliance.