If you wish to switch the monitor off with this option, press and hold the STOP keys until you hear a beep.
Wait 45 seconds and the unit will switch over to the OFF option.
With the OFF option the machine is self powered, which means that the monitor will come on as soon as you
start exercising. Once you have selected this option press the ENTER key and the word “POWER” will start
flashing. Use the LEVEL▲ key to pass on to the (5 SPR time) setting on the adjoining bottom screen.
With the OFF option selected the monitor will switch itself off 45 seconds after you have finished exercising.
If you wish to exit the personalisation mode press the STOP key.
With the word “SPR time" flashing, press the ENTER key and a figure between 20 and 60 seconds will start
flashing. Select the flashing value using the LEVEL▲ and LEVEL▼ keys and then press ENTER to confirm,
the word “SPR time” will start flashing again, using the LEVEL▲ key , pass on to the (6 MANUAL T) setting
on the adjoining bottom screen. If you wish to exit the personalisation mode press the STOP key.
With the word “MANUAL T" flashing, press the ENTER key and a figure between 0 and 60 minutes will start
flashing. Select the flashing value using the LEVEL▲ and LEVEL▼ keys and then press ENTER to confirm,
the word “MANUAL T” will start flashing again, using the LEVEL▲ key , pass on to the (7 TEXT) setting on
the adjoining bottom screen. If you wish to exit the personalisation mode press the STOP key.
With the word “TEXT” flashing, press the ENTER key and the word ON or OFF will start flashing. Select the
option that is flashing by using the LEVEL▲ and LEVEL▼ keys choosing the ON option allows you to
change the monitor’s welcome message.
Once the ON option has been selected, press the ENTER key and a flashing cursor will appear on the
alphanumeric screen (B). Use the LEVEL▲ and LEVEL▼ keys to enter a welcome message letter by letter.
Once you have finished entering the message, press the ENTER key for a few seconds and the word
“TEXT” will start flashing. Use the LEVEL▲ key to pass on to the (8 SOUNDS) setting on the adjoining
bottom screen. If you wish to exit the personalisation mode press the STOP key.
With the word “SOUNDS" flashing, press the ENTER key and the word ON or OFF will start flashing. Select
the flashing value using the LEVEL▲ and LEVEL▼ keys and then press ENTER to confirm, the word
“SOUNDS” will start flashing again.
Press the STOP key to exit the personalisation mode and the manual program will be displayed on the LED
array (A).
Begin exercising and you will see that the changes have been made.
Setting Description
1) Metric
Change speed unit from km/h to mph
2) Wheelsize
Change rpm – distance travelled ratio
3) Language
Define the language in which messages are displayed on the monitor.
Options: Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, German, Dutch, Italian.
4) Power
Define the method of operating the machine, between self-powered or connected to
the mains supply. If the ON mode is selected, the machine has to be plugged into the
mains supply. To switch off the monitor in ON mode, hold the STOP key down for 4
Options: - OFF (Battery operated)
- ON (Mains operated).
IMPORTANT: With the ON option the machine has to be plugged into the mains
supply otherwise the batteries will run down and may be rendered useless.
5) SPR time
Establishes the calculation rate for the steady pulse rate program.
Options: Value in seconds (minimum 20, maximum 60)
6) Manual T
Establishes a maximum time limit for the exercise.
Options: - 0 (No maximum time limit established)
- Exercise time limit values in minutes (maximum 60)