It i s d an gero u s to ope n t he door when was hi ng , be c a use the hot wate r ma y s cal d y ou .
When t he working c ycle has fi ni shed, the buzzer o f the d ishw asher w il l soun d f or 8 sec onds, the n st op. Turn off
the appliance using th e ON/ OFF but ton, shut off t he water supply and op en the door of the di shwasher.
Wait for a few m inutes b efore unlo ading th e dishw asher t o a void handl ing t he dishes and utensi ls whi le they
are still hot and m ore susce ptible to breakage. They w ill also d ry bett er.
Switch Off the Dishwasher
1.S witch off t he dishwa sher by p ressing t he ON/OF F button.
2.Turn off the water tap!
Open the door carefully.
Hot di shes are sensitive to knocks. The dishes shou ld ther efore b e a llowed to cool d own arou nd 15 minut es
before removing from the appliance.
Open t he d ishwasher 's door, leave it aj ar and wai t a f ew minut es befor e rem oving t he dishes. I n this way they
will be cooler and the drying will b e i mproved .
Unloading the dishwasher
It i s norm al t hat t he dishw as her is we t inside.
Empty the low er ba sket first a nd then t he upper o ne. T his will avoid water dripping from t he uppe r Basket on to
the dishes in the l ower one.
t he machine w ill workin g a fter 1 0 seco nds.continue
I f you ope n t he door , the mach ine w ill paus e. When you close the d oor ,during a wash cycl e
1 D raw out the l owe r an d up per basket, l oad the d is hes an d push t hem bac k.
It iscommendedtoloadthelowerbasketfirst,thentheupperone(seethe sectionentitled
Loadin g th e Di s hw a sher ) .
2 Pou r in t he d et ergen t ( see t h e se c tion ent i tle d Salt, Det e r gent and Ri n se A id ).
3 Inse r t th e pl u g int o t he s oc ket . The pow er s up ply i s 2 20 - 240 VAC /50 Hz, the s pe c ifi ca tio n of t h e
s ocket is 10A 25 0VAC . M ake sur e that the wa ter su pp ly is tu rn ed on to fu ll p ressure.
4 P ress the ON/ OFF bu tton, an d the ON/ OFF light wil l t urn o n. Pr ess th e pr ogram b utto n to s ele ct
a de sired wa sh c ycle. fter 1 0 se con ds, t he machine wi ll w ork.
Cl ose t he door,a
1 A c ycle th at is un derway ca n on ly be modified if it has on ly been r unning fo r a s hor t
ti me. Ot he rwis e, the d etergent ma y have alre ad y b een re lea sed, and the a ppliance may
ha ve al read y dra ined the wash wate r. If this is th e case, the dete rgen t disp ens er mu st
be refi ll ed (see t he se ction en ti tled " Lo ading the Deter gent " ).
2 Open the door a little to stop the washing. Press the programme button more than 3 seconds
to canc el th e run ning progr am me. T hen y ou can s elect othe r pro grammes (see the s ecti on en ti tled "
When y ou select Inten sive /Normal /Eco.P rog rammes, you can se lect the 3 in1 functi on .
A forgotten dish ca n be added any time before the detergent cup opens.
Add forgotten dishes.
Close the door
After the spray arms stop working,you can open the door
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
The dishwasher will run after 10 seconds.
Pr emise