8400B Plus Data Module User’s Guide
Issue 2
November 1996
About This Document
Conventions Used
Conventions Used
Throughout this guide, command lines that are typed are shown in
typewriter-style characters, and responses that the 8400B Plus Data Module
returns are shown in italics. The following is an example.
Note the following characteristics of the display representation:
■ The first line is a command line as it should be typed. The symbol,
when shown, indicates that you must press the Enter or Return key to
complete the command line.
■ Spaces are used to separate commands in some examples shown in this
guide. In actual use, the spaces may be typed, but they are not required.
■ The second line in the example shows a typical response returned by the
8400B Plus Data Module.
Throughout this document, toll fraud security hazards are indicated by an
exclamation point inside a triangle and the words
Security Alert
Security Alert:
Security Alert
indicates the presence of a toll fraud security hazard. Toll
fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an
unauthorized party (for example, persons other than your company’s
employees, agents, subcontractors, or persons working on your
company’s behalf). Be sure to read “Your Responsibility for Your System’s
Security” on the inside front cover of this book and ‘‘
Security Issues’’ on
page ix of this section.
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